Our mission at Circuit Basics is to provide easy to follow, yet detailed tutorials about the Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and electronics projects. Our tutorials explain clearly how to build projects and the principals behind how they work.
My interest in electronics began as a kid, when I started taking apart telephones, radios, and other things around the house to learn how they worked. The (not always successful) challenge was putting all the parts back together before my parents came home from work. As you can imagine, I destroyed many perfectly functional electronic devices. But don’t worry! Today there are much better ways to learn about and explore electronics.
Development platforms like the Arduino and Raspberry Pi make it easy to build projects in electronics, programming, networking, and many other technical areas. However, the popularity of these platforms has created an overwhelming amount of tutorials, schematics, and example code.
When I first started getting serious about learning electronics, I was frustrated by the number of online tutorials that simply didn’t work. It was usually due to incorrect wiring diagrams, non-working code, or incomplete explanations. I spent a lot of time trying things that didn’t work.
In 2014, I launched Circuit Basics with a goal to create accurate and easy to understand tutorials that explain electronics topics clearly for beginners, but also provide enough detail for more experienced makers to benefit. Over the years, we have grown to be a popular source of Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and electronics information and project tutorials. All of our more than 260 tutorials have tested and working schematics, wiring diagrams, and code. We’re here to help you start your journey into the fascinating world of electronics! Please feel free to reach out to us at our contact page for any inquiries.
Scott Campbell
Founder and CEO
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