AM and FM Radios
Fun and Practical AM and FM Radio Projects
Building AM and FM radio receivers and transmitters is a fun way to explore concepts like electromagnetic waves, resonance, filters, and audio amplification. The projects can be used in a home audio system or made portable with battery power. Dive into the tutorials below to get started!
How to Build an AM Radio Receiver
Learn how AM radio receivers work, then choose from three different AM receiver projects to build on your own. In-depth instructions and schematics are provided.
How to Build an FM Transmitter
In this tutorial we will learn how FM radio transmitters work by building a low power FM transmitter.
How to Build an FM Radio Receiver
Learn how FM receivers work and how to build a nice sounding FM radio. Complete with in-depth instructions and schematics.
How to Build an AM Radio Transmitter
A quick tutorial on building AM transmitters.