Circuit Basics - Electronics - Electronic Components


Pick the Right Parts To Optimize Your Circuit

What is a Transformer? - Transformer Symbol

How Transformers Work

Jenn Braza65 min read
Learn how transformers work, how to calculate input/ouput voltage and current, and how to determine the right size of transformer for your project.
What is a Resistor? - 4 Band Code

How Resistors Work

Jenn Braza38 min read
How resistors work, how to read resistor color codes, and how determine what type of resistor to use for different applications.
What is a Relay? - SRD-05VDC-SL-C 5V Relay

How Electrical Relays Work

Jenn Braza27 min read
Everything you need to know about electrical relays – common applications, how they work, and how to use them.
What is a Variable Resistor? - Potentiometer

How Variable Resistors Work

Jenn Braza25 min read
Learn how variable resistors work and how to use them in your projects. Incudes an in-depth look at potentiometers, rheostats, and digital potentiometers.
What Are Square Wave Generators? - Waveforms

How to Build Crystal Oscillator Circuits

Graham Lambert26 min read
Learn what crystal oscillators are, how they work, and how to build oscillator circuits for your own projects. Example schematics included.
Resistive Sensors - Voltage Divider with NTC

How Resistive Sensors Work

Jenn Braza15 min read
Learn about the different types of resistive sensors, how they work, and why we use voltage dividers to connect them.
what is a MicWhat is a Microphone? - Condenser Microphones and Sound Waves? - Condenser Mic

How to Choose a Microphone

Graham Lambert15 min read
Not sure which microphone to use? This article will help you decide. We take an in-depth look at the pros and cons of four common types of microphones.
How to Control DC Motor Speed and Direction Using L293D and Arduino - L293D Test

How to Control the Speed and Direction of a DC Motor

Harry Mafukidze15 min read
Learn the basics of DC motors – how they work, and how to control them with PWM, H-bridge motor drivers, and the L293D motor driver.
NPN transistor diagram

Transistors: A Closer Look

Graham Lambert15 min read
An in-depth look at how different types of transistors work on an atomic level.
What is a Diode - Diode in Forward Bias

A Complete Guide to Diodes

Jenn Braza19 min read
Everything you need to know about diodes, how they work, the different types, and practical applications. Complete with schematics and example circuits.
How to Choose the Best Speakers for an Amplifier

How to Choose the Best Speakers for an Amplifier

Graham Lambert13 min read
Learn how speakers work, how to find the best speakers for your amplifier, and how to calculate the power and current flowing through your speakers.
Types of Switches - SPST

Complete Guide to Electronic Switches

Louvil Abasolo05 min read
Get to know your switches with this complete guide to the most common types of switches used in electronics projects.

A Complete Guide to Capacitors

Jenn Braza09 min read
An in-depth look at the different types of capacitors, how they work, and their practical uses.
What is a Buzzer? - Types of Buzzer

Active Buzzers vs Passive Buzzers

Graham Lambert02 min read
Learn the differences between active buzzers and passive buzzers.
How to Control Servo Position - Microservo

How to Use Servos in Your Electronics Projects

Louvil Abasolo05 min read
Learn all about servos, how they work, and how to use them in your next project!
What are Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)? - LED Circuit Symbol

How to Use LEDs in Electronics Projects

Jenn Braza05 min read
An in-depth look at the pros and cons of using LEDs as a source of light in your electronics projects. Includes a discussion on polarity and current limiting resistors.
What is an Inductor? - Faraday's Experiment

A Practical Guide to Inductors and Inductance

Jenn Braza010 min read
Learn about inductance, different types of inductors, how to calculate current and voltage across an inductor, how to build wire coil inductors, and factors that affect inductance.
Optoelectronic Devices - Three Sizes of Photoresistors

A Complete Guide to Optoelectronic Devices

Louvil Abasolo08 min read
Everything you need to know about optoelectronic devices – the different types, their uses, how they work, and much more!