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Learn the Basics of Arduino Programming

Arduino Programming - 6. Loops

Using Loops in Arduino Programming

Scott Campbell58 min read
Loops are used to control the flow of a program. You have complete control over when the program enters or exits a loop by defining certain conditions in the code.
Arduino Programming - 1. Variables

How to Use Variables in Arduino Programs

Scott Campbell46 min read
In this tutorial we will focus on using variables, declaring variables, naming variables, and doing math with variables on the Arduino.
Arduino Programming - 12. Libraries

How to Use Arduino Libraries

Scott Campbell36 min read
Libraries make programming on the Arduino so much easier. We will install libraries from the three most common sources of library code.
Arduino Programming - 4. Conditional Statements

How to Use Conditional Statements in Arduino Programming

Scott Campbell26 min read
In this article we will learn how to use if statements, if else statements, and if else if statements in Arduino programs.
Arduino Programming - 3. Mathematical Operators

How to Do Math in Arduino Programs

Scott Campbell16 min read
Learn how to perform basic and advanced math calculations in an Arduino program.
Arduino Programming - 2. Data Types

Using Data Types in Arduino Programming

Scott Campbell06 min read
Data types are important to understand because they determine the types of data that variables can store.
Arduino Programming - 8. Compound Operators

Using Compound Operators in Arduino Programming

Scott Campbell05 min read
Compound operators are a shorthand way to do simple math with variables that will make your code more efficient.
Arduino Programming - 9. Logical Operators

Using Logical Operators in Arduino Programming

Scott Campbell05 min read
Logical operators can give you another element of control over the flow of your program.