Integrated Circuits and Digital Logic
For Smaller, Better Performing Projects
Integrated circuits pack tiny resistors, capacitors, and transistors onto a small silicon chip, making circuits like comparators, counters, flip-flops, display drivers, and timers more compact and easier to use. Browse the tutorials below to see how these circuits can enhance your projects!
555 Timer Basics – Astable Mode
Learn about the 555 timer and how it works in astable mode. It’s a simple source of oscillating current that can power blinking LEDs, generate tones, and lots of other useful applications.
555 Timer Basics – Monostable Mode
Discover the basics of the 555 timer and how to set it up to operate in monostable mode, along with a sample circuit you can build yourself.
555 Timer Basics – Bistable Mode
Learn the basics of the 555 timer and how it works in bistable mode. In bistable mode, an LED is switched on and stays on until the reset button is pressed.
What Are Comparators?
Get familiar with comparators and their practical uses. Learn also how an LM324 operational amplifier IC can work as a comparator.
Everything You Need to Know About Flip Flop Circuits
Learn why flip flop circuits are so useful in data storage, and many other electronic devices.
How to Use Digital Logic in Electronic Circuits
Learn how to use digital logic in your electronics projects. Includes an in-depth look at logic gates, truth tables, combinational logic, and Karnaugh Maps.
Introduction to Microcontrollers
Learn the basics of microcontrollers and the differences between the most popular microcontrollers used in electronic devices today!
How to Use LED Display Drivers
Learn how LED display drivers work and how to use the popular MAX7219 LED display driver to control LEDs in your own electronics projects.
What are Electronic Counters?
Learn about the different types of electronic counters, how they work, and how to use them in your electronics projects.
A Complete Guide to Electronic Multiplexers
Get an in-depth background in multiplexers and their practical uses, applications, and implementation. Example circuit schematics are provided.
Introduction to the 555 Timer
Learn the basics of 555 timers, what they are used for, and how to build monostable, bistable, and astable oscillators with the 555 timer.
Introduction to Digital Logic Chips
Learn about the different types of digital logic and the integrated circuits that allow us to use digital logic in electronics circuits.