90+ Tutorials on Electronics
Build fun and useful projects like audio amplifiers, solar powered battery chargers, and AM radios. Learn practical tips and tricks for building electronics projects, and gain an understanding of the concepts and theories that make circuits work. Click a topic below to get started!
Audio Amplifiers
Build a HiFi audio amplifier with the LM3886, an LM386 pocket amplifier with bass boost, a TDA2050 stereo amplifier, TDA2003 bridged and stereo amplifiers, an LM1875 amplifier, and transistor amplifiers. Also learn how op-amps work and how to wire audio inputs.
AM and FM Radios
Discover how to build AM and FM radio receivers and transmitters, and experiment with resonant circuits, oscillators, rectification, and more.
Building Electronics Projects
Learn how to read schematics and datasheets, perfect your soldering technique, and build prototype circuits. Explore the parts and supplies needed to build electronics projects and how to set up a workbench.
Circuit Design and Analysis
Learn how to design PCB layouts, troubleshoot circuits, and use test equipment like oscilloscopes and multimeters. Get familiar with circuit design and simulation software, and understand the role of pull-up and pull-down resistors.
Electrical and Circuit Theory
Dive into electronics concepts like capacitance, resistance, Ohm’s law, power, energy, electromagnetism, voltage dividers, DC and AC circuits, RC circuits, heat sinks, switch debouncing, and grounding – everything you need to build a strong foundation in electronics.
Electronic Components
Learn how to work with resistors, capacitors, transistors, diodes, inductors, potentiometers, crystal oscillators, relays, resistive sensors, transformers, microphones, speakers, DC motors, optoelectronic devices, switches, active and passive buzzers, servos, LEDs, and more!
Audio Signal Generators and Filters
Learn how to build sine, square, and sawtooth wave generators, audio filters, audio mixers, and pulse width modulation generators for creating sounds and testing audio equipment.
Communication Signals
Learn how SPI, I2C, and UART enable electronic devices to communicate with each other. Understand the differences between analog and digital signals. Explore how analog-to-digital converters work.
Integrated Circuits and Digital Logic
Learn how to use the 555 timer in monostable, astable, and bistable modes. Build circuits with comparators, flip-flops, counters, LED display drivers, and multiplexers. Explore microcontrollers, digital logic chips, and some practical applications of integrated circuits.
Power Supplies and Regulators
Learn how to build solar powered battery chargers, wall powered battery chargers, linear and switch mode power supplies, voltage regulators, DC to AC inverters, DC-DC converters, wireless power transmitters, and electronic protection circuits.