Raspberry Pi
Build Web Connected Sensor Projects
Temperature and humidity sensors are just the beginning. Accelerometers can track motion and stabilize remote-controlled vehicles. PIR sensors can detect intruders and RFID card readers can control access to buildings. Explore our Raspberry Pi sensor tutorials below and start building something awesome.
How to Set Up the DHT11 Humidity Sensor on the Raspberry Pi
How to set up the DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor on the Raspberry Pi, with LCD or SSH terminal output, and how to program it with either C or Python.
Raspberry Pi DS18B20 Temperature Sensor Tutorial
How to connect and program the DS18B20 temperature sensor on the Raspberry Pi, with SSH terminal and LCD output of temperature readings.
How to Send Sensor Data to the Cloud With a Raspberry Pi
Send your sensor data to the cloud with a Raspberry Pi and ThingSpeak. This step by step tutorial covers it all with background info, wiring diagrams, and Python code.
How to Use RFID Cards with a Raspberry Pi
Learn how to setup an RFID card reader on the Raspberry Pi and use a key card to control a 5V relay. Python code and schematics included.
How To Setup an Accelerometer on the Raspberry Pi
Learn how accelerometers work, how to connect them to the Raspberry Pi, and how to program them with Python. Wiring diagrams and code included.
How To Detect Motion With a PIR Sensor on the Raspberry Pi
Learn how to setup and program a passive infrared (PIR) sensor on the Raspberry Pi using Python. Wiring diagrams and code included.