Arduino Capacitance Meter with LCD Output

How to Make an Arduino Capacitance Meter

With all the different ways capacitors are labeled, figuring out the values of your capacitors can be challenging. Especially if you don’t have a digital multi-meter to test them. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to build three different capacitance meters using an Arduino and a couple resistors. After finishing this project, you’ll be able to measure all of your capacitors and label them for future reference.

When I was testing these capacitance meters, I couldn’t find one that was able to accurately measure the full range of commonly used capacitors. One meter would accurately measure values in the 1000 μF range, but it would fail in the nF and pF range. Another capacitance meter was accurate in the nF and pF ranges, but failed in the μF range. So, I’ll show you three different meters that together will cover a range of about 10 pF to 3900 μF.

BONUS: I made a quick start guide for this tutorial that you can download and go back to later if you can’t set this up right now. It covers all of the steps, diagrams, and code you need to get started.

To compare the error in their measurements, I tested the output of each capacitance meter described below against capacitors of known values. This graph shows the range of values each capacitance meter is able to measure accurately:

Capacitance Meter Comparison

Before we start building the circuits, let’s get a little background on how we can use the Arduino to measure capacitance…

How the Arduino Can Measure Capacitance

Each Arduino capacitance meter relies on a property of resistor capacitor (RC) circuits- the time constant. The time constant of an RC circuit is defined as the time it takes for the voltage across the capacitor to reach 63.2% of its voltage when fully charged:

Relationship between voltage and time on a charging capacitor

Larger capacitors take longer to charge, and therefore will create larger time constants. The capacitance in an RC circuit is related to the time constant by the equation:

 Arduino Capacitance Meter - Time Constant Formula

Rearranging the equation to solve for capacitance gives:

Arduino Capacitance Meter - Time Constant Formula 2

Each capacitance meter has an RC circuit with known resistor values and an unknown capacitor value. The Arduino will measure the voltage at the capacitor and record the time it takes to reach 63.2% of it’s voltage when fully charged (the time constant). Since the resistance value is already known, we can use the formula above in a program that will calculate the unknown capacitance.

Capacitance Meter for 1 uF to 3900 uF Capacitors

Arduino Capacitance Meter with LCD Output

This capacitance meter is one I found on the website. After testing it, I found that it can measure values from about 0.1 μF to 3900 μF (I didn’t test it above 3900 μF) with reasonable accuracy.

The Circuit

Follow this diagram to set it up:

Arduino capacitance meter circuit diagram
  • R1 = 10K Ohms
  • R2 = 220 Ohms

The Code for Serial Monitor Output

To display the readings on the Arduino serial monitor, connect the Arduino to your PC, open the Arduino IDE and upload this code to it:

#define analogPin 0          
#define chargePin 13         
#define dischargePin 11        
#define resistorValue 10000.0F   

unsigned long startTime;
unsigned long elapsedTime;
float microFarads;                
float nanoFarads;

void setup(){
  pinMode(chargePin, OUTPUT);     
  digitalWrite(chargePin, LOW);  

void loop(){
  digitalWrite(chargePin, HIGH);  
  startTime = millis();
  while(analogRead(analogPin) < 648){       

  elapsedTime= millis() - startTime;
  microFarads = ((float)elapsedTime / resistorValue) * 1000;   
  Serial.print(" mS    ");         

  if (microFarads > 1){
    Serial.println(" microFarads");         

    nanoFarads = microFarads * 1000.0;      
    Serial.println(" nanoFarads");          

  digitalWrite(chargePin, LOW);            
  pinMode(dischargePin, OUTPUT);            
  digitalWrite(dischargePin, LOW);          
  while(analogRead(analogPin) > 0){         

  pinMode(dischargePin, INPUT);            

The Code for LCD Output

To use this meter with an LCD screen, connect the LCD to your Arduino (see How to Set Up an LCD Display on an Arduino if you need instructions). Pin 11 will be used for the LCD, so wire the capacitance meter using pin 8 instead of pin 11. Here’s the code:

#define analogPin 0          
#define chargePin 13         
#define dischargePin 8        
#define resistorValue 10000.0F  
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);

unsigned long startTime;
unsigned long elapsedTime;
float microFarads;                
float nanoFarads;

void setup(){
  pinMode(chargePin, OUTPUT);     
  digitalWrite(chargePin, LOW); 
  lcd.begin(16, 2); 

void loop(){
  digitalWrite(chargePin, HIGH);  
  startTime = millis();
  while(analogRead(analogPin) < 648){       

  elapsedTime= millis() - startTime;
  microFarads = ((float)elapsedTime / resistorValue) * 1000;   
  lcd.print(" mS");

  if (microFarads > 1){
    lcd.print(" uF");   

    nanoFarads = microFarads * 1000.0;      
    lcd.print(" nF");          

  digitalWrite(chargePin, LOW);            
  pinMode(dischargePin, OUTPUT);            
  digitalWrite(dischargePin, LOW);          
  while(analogRead(analogPin) > 0){         

  pinMode(dischargePin, INPUT);      


Now we’re ready to start measuring some capacitors. Insert an unknown capacitor into the breadboard as shown in the diagram above. Then open the serial monitor to see the time constant and capacitance values. These are the readings I got from a 470 μF electrolytic capacitor:

Arduino Capacitance Meter Serial Monitor

The first column shows the capacitor’s time constant, and the second column is the capacitance measurement. The units will change automatically from microFarads to nanoFarads. If you’re using an LCD to output the readings, the display will alternate between the time constant and the capacitance reading.

You’ll notice with larger capacitors that it takes longer for the Arduino to output a reading. That’s because larger capacitors have larger time constants and therefore take longer to reach 63.2% of their voltage when fully charged. For example, the 3900 μF capacitor I tested took several minutes between readings.

Capacitance Meter for 180 uF to 0.0047 uF Capacitors

This is a “high accuracy” capacitance meter developed by Nick Gammon.

High Accuracy Capacitance Meter with LCD Output

The Circuit

Follow the diagram below to build it:

High Accuracy Capacitance Meter Arduino Circuit
  • R1= 10K Ohm
  • R2= 3.1K Ohm
  • R3= 1.8K Ohm

The Code for Serial Monitor Output

To use this capacitance meter using the serial monitor for data output, connect the Arduino to your PC, open the Arduino IDE, and upload this code to the Arduino:

const byte pulsePin = 2;
const unsigned long resistance = 10000;

volatile boolean triggered;
volatile boolean active;
volatile unsigned long startTime;
volatile unsigned long duration;

  unsigned long now = micros ();
  if (active){
    duration = now - startTime;
    triggered = true;
    digitalWrite (pulsePin, LOW); 

void setup (){
  pinMode(pulsePin, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(pulsePin, LOW);
  ADCSRB = 0;          
  ACSR = _BV (ACI) | _BV (ACIE) | _BV (ACIS0) | _BV (ACIS1);  

void loop (){
  if (!active){
    active = true;
    triggered = false;
    digitalWrite (pulsePin, HIGH); 
    startTime = micros ();  

  if (active && triggered){
    active = false;
    Serial.print ("Capacitance = ");
    Serial.print (duration * 1000 / resistance);
    Serial.println (" nF");
    triggered = false;
    delay (3000);

The Code for LCD Output

To have the capacitance measurements output to an LCD display, use the code below. Since the LCD uses pin 2, use pin 8 instead of pin 2 in the diagram above. Upload this code to the Arduino:

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);
const byte pulsePin = 8;
const unsigned long resistance = 10000;

volatile boolean triggered;
volatile boolean active;
volatile unsigned long startTime;
volatile unsigned long duration;

  unsigned long now = micros ();
  if (active){
    duration = now - startTime;
    triggered = true;
    digitalWrite (pulsePin, LOW); 

void setup (){
  pinMode(pulsePin, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(pulsePin, LOW);
  lcd.begin(16, 2);
  ADCSRB = 0;          
  ACSR = _BV (ACI) | _BV (ACIE) | _BV (ACIS0) | _BV (ACIS1);  

void loop(){
  if (!active){
    active = true;
    triggered = false;
    digitalWrite (pulsePin, HIGH); 
    startTime = micros ();  

  if (active && triggered){
    active = false;
    lcd.print("Capacitance = ");
    lcd.print(duration * 1000 / resistance);
    lcd.print(" nF");
    triggered = false;
    delay (3000);


This is the reading I got from a 10 nF (0.01 μF) polyester film capacitor:

High Accuracy Capacitance Meter Serial Monitor

The value always reads in nF, even with capacitors in the μF range.

Capacitance Meter for 470 uF to 18 pF Capacitors

This capacitance meter had the greatest range of the three I tested. It also had the highest accuracy with smaller capacitors. It’s very easy to make too, no resistors are needed and it only uses two pins from the Arduino.

Two Pin Capacitance Meter with LCD Output

The Circuit

Follow this diagram to build the meter:

Two Pin Capacitance Meter

Note: It’s important to make sure the positive lead of the unknown capacitor is connected to pin A2 of the Arduino.

The Code for Serial Monitor Output

This code will output the capacitance readings to the Arduino’s serial monitor:

const int OUT_PIN = A2;
const int IN_PIN = A0;
const float IN_STRAY_CAP_TO_GND = 24.48;
const float R_PULLUP = 34.8;  
const int MAX_ADC_VALUE = 1023;

void setup(){
  pinMode(OUT_PIN, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(IN_PIN, OUTPUT);

void loop(){
    pinMode(IN_PIN, INPUT);
    digitalWrite(OUT_PIN, HIGH);
    int val = analogRead(IN_PIN);
    digitalWrite(OUT_PIN, LOW);

    if (val < 1000){
      pinMode(IN_PIN, OUTPUT);

      float capacitance = (float)val * IN_CAP_TO_GND / (float)(MAX_ADC_VALUE - val);

      Serial.print(F("Capacitance Value = "));
      Serial.print(capacitance, 3);
      Serial.print(F(" pF ("));
      Serial.println(F(") "));

      pinMode(IN_PIN, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(OUT_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP);
      unsigned long u1 = micros();
      unsigned long t;
      int digVal;

        digVal = digitalRead(OUT_PIN);
        unsigned long u2 = micros();
        t = u2 > u1 ? u2 - u1 : u1 - u2;
      } while ((digVal < 1) && (t < 400000L));

      pinMode(OUT_PIN, INPUT);  
      val = analogRead(OUT_PIN);
      digitalWrite(IN_PIN, HIGH);
      int dischargeTime = (int)(t / 1000L) * 5;
      pinMode(OUT_PIN, OUTPUT);  
      digitalWrite(OUT_PIN, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN_PIN, LOW);

      float capacitance = -(float)t / R_PULLUP / log(1.0 - (float)val / (float)MAX_ADC_VALUE);

      Serial.print(F("Capacitance Value = "));
      if (capacitance > 1000.0){
        Serial.print(capacitance / 1000.0, 2);
        Serial.print(F(" uF"));
        Serial.print(capacitance, 2);
        Serial.print(F(" nF"));

      Serial.print(F(" ("));
      Serial.print(digVal == 1 ? F("Normal") : F("HighVal"));
      Serial.print(F(", t= "));
      Serial.print(F(" us, ADC= "));
    while (millis() % 1000 != 0);    

The Code for LCD Output

To output the values to an LCD display, use this code:

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);
const int OUT_PIN = A2;
const int IN_PIN = A0;
const float IN_STRAY_CAP_TO_GND = 24.48;
const float R_PULLUP = 34.8;  
const int MAX_ADC_VALUE = 1023;

void setup(){
  pinMode(OUT_PIN, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(IN_PIN, OUTPUT);
  lcd.begin(16, 2);

void loop(){
    pinMode(IN_PIN, INPUT);
    digitalWrite(OUT_PIN, HIGH);
    int val = analogRead(IN_PIN);
    digitalWrite(OUT_PIN, LOW);

    if (val < 1000){
      pinMode(IN_PIN, OUTPUT);

      float capacitance = (float)val * IN_CAP_TO_GND / (float)(MAX_ADC_VALUE - val);

      lcd.print(F("Capacitance = "));
      lcd.print(capacitance, 3);
      lcd.print(F("pF "));
      pinMode(IN_PIN, OUTPUT);
      pinMode(OUT_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP);
      unsigned long u1 = micros();
      unsigned long t;
      int digVal;

        digVal = digitalRead(OUT_PIN);
        unsigned long u2 = micros();
        t = u2 > u1 ? u2 - u1 : u1 - u2;
      while ((digVal < 1) && (t < 400000L));

      pinMode(OUT_PIN, INPUT);  
      val = analogRead(OUT_PIN);
      digitalWrite(IN_PIN, HIGH);
      int dischargeTime = (int)(t / 1000L) * 5;
      pinMode(OUT_PIN, OUTPUT);  
      digitalWrite(OUT_PIN, LOW);
      digitalWrite(IN_PIN, LOW);

      float capacitance = -(float)t / R_PULLUP / log(1.0 - (float)val / (float)MAX_ADC_VALUE);

      lcd.print(F("Capacitance = "));
      if (capacitance > 1000.0){
        lcd.print(capacitance / 1000.0, 2);
        lcd.print(F("uF "));
        lcd.print(capacitance, 2);
        lcd.print(F("nF "));
    while (millis() % 1000 != 0);


These are the readings I got from a 22 pF ceramic disc capacitor:

Two Pin Capacitance Meter Serial Monitor

The units will change automatically between pF, nF and μF. The values in parentheses are the time constants for each reading (in milliseconds).

Here’s a video of this tutorial, so you can watch me set up the capacitance meters and see the Arduino measure capacitance in real time:

That’s about all there is to it! I hope you found this project as useful as I did. We also have another tutorial on building an ohm meter with the Arduino. It’s just as useful at this one, so check that out if you’re interested…

Just let me know in the comments if you have any questions or need help setting it up. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to keep updated on all of our future posts!

  • Osqui says:

    Why 648 in this line??: while(analogRead(analogPin) < 648){ }

  • Javier Baez says:

    I didn´t understand the two last codes in the part of the following:

    1. F was not declared in this scope
    2. INPUT_PULLUP was not declared in this scope

    With these errors, I cannot upload the code.

    Could you fix for me?

    Thank you for your fast response and beforehand let me say you: thanks a lot.

  • abdul hamid says:

    how calculate equivalent series resistance (ESR) capacitor with arduino uno and simple circuit ??

  • Denny Lin says:

    Thanks for posting this! I found a kludgy way to compensate for the errors in sketch 3. I did try sketch 1 to figure out what the readings were for large capacitors (I had 6800uF, 2200uF, and 1000uF capacitors on hand). So I tried to put in two calibrations, one for values less than 1500uF, and one for values greater than or equal to 1500uF (this split point was based on what I observed with the capacitors I had on hand). For values less than 1500uF, the readings produced by sketch 3 were at about 1.18 times what my Beckman Industrial DM27XL (which can only read up to 20uF) reported, so I just multiplied the capacitance value by 84.75% (which is 1 / 1.18) of what sketch 3 was producing. For values greater than or equal to 1500uF, the readings from sketch 3 were about 1.67 times greater than the readings from sketch 1, so I multiplied the capacitance value read from sketch 3 by 60% (which is 1 / 1.67). The 6800uF capacitor reading oscillated between 7051uF (which is consistent with the sketch 1 reading) and “infnf” (infinity nf?). I also created a correction variable of type float, declared at the start of the loop() function, and assigned the correction factors depending on the capacitance value read. I made the following changes to the code within the if (capacitance > 1000.0) if block starting at line 74:

    if (capacitance > 1000.0)
    if (capacitance < 1500000.0)
    correction = 0.8475; // Multiply by correction factor 0.8475 for capacitors below 1500uF. Calibrated against Beckman Industrial DM27XL on 10uF capacitor. 7/16/15 DL
    else correction = 0.60; // Multiply by correction factor 0.60 for capacitors at or above 1500uF. Calibrated against the capacitance meter on 2200uF capacitor. 7/16/15 DL
    lcd.print(capacitance / 1000.0 * correction, 2);
    lcd.print(F("uF "));

    Obviously, using this method you could add many more split points given an accurate capacitor meter to calibrate the output from sketch 3.

    I also modified the code from sketch 1 a little, so that my LCD screen would display something (rather than a blank screen) while it was figuring out the values of large capacitors. I noticed that it is best to wait for several readings from sketch 1 because it tends to "converge" on the correct value after some time (could take several minutes before you get a reading for large value capacitors). In the setup() function, I added lcd.print("Testing cap…"); right after line 17. I took out all delay() function calls; within the loop() function, after microFarads has been calculated, I cleared the screen using lcd.clear(); which removed the "Testing cap…" text; after the lines that display the elapsed time in " mS", I removed the delay(2000); function call, the lcd.clear(); and the delay(500); function calls. The next if block contains display of capacitance in microFarads and nanoFarads; I issued a call to lcd.setCursor(0, 2); so that the measured capacitance would appear on row 2 of my LCD; I removed both delay(2000); calls. Finally, I removed the lcd.clear(); function call on line 47 of sketch 1. These changes allowed me to get faster feedback that the Arduino was working, and I could see both the elapsed time (on row 1) and the capacitance value (on row 2) on my LCD.


    • Hi, can you share the modified project? Can it test a wide range with a single project and Math? Sorry if I misunderstood, I just want to test some capacitors from a old monitor to know what to change and I suck at electronics. I have arduinos and stuff laying around and it would cost me nothing, way cheaper to me than the capacimeter.

  • Larry Reader says:

    Hey, Thanks a million Farads! Just what I needed. I was fighting with something like the first version when the effective range I needed worked with version 3, and so simple (the hardware anyway).

  • Totally awesome. I’ll have to try this capacitance meter on the caps I pull out of the monitor I’m repairing.

  • Garoh Seven says:

    Hey, Thanks a lot for sharing this! In the code used for the “Two pin capacitance meter”, why did you initially set the pin mode of the “IN_PIN” as an output within the “void setup”?

  • Nologinguy says:

    what about super capacitors? 2.7V / 100 F. How to measure C?

  • zubair says:

    I’m not getting exact value like 10uf capacitor shows 13uf. why?

    • Which circuit are you using to measure it? Also, what is the tolerance of the capacitor you’re measuring? Some capacitors can vary up to 20% of their stated value.

  • jorge says:

    Regards, very interesting site, projects are very well explained thanks for the contributions and please keep adelate, wish them well and hope new tutorials

  • I’ve always wondered how do you measure capacitors. I’ve seen miscellaneous components testers on ebay, I even bought one, but never knew how it worked. I will try this one

  • stefan says:

    hello :) !
    discovered your site recently, and am eager to follow som tuts. Started with this, but duh, browsing on raspberry there is no code, and on ipad there are only some 10 lines of code, scrolling works only sideways… How do I get the full listnings? I suppose I don’t get something very obvious here :P

    • same says:

      have since had access to the full listning via desktop machine ^^ I usually shh to raspberryPi from where I use vncserver to programm the arduino, just from with the ipad. Somehow I understand when you may not care for ther ipad :) although kind of a link to the full code wouldn’t be so wrong. Anyway, great ressource here, big thanks!

  • numan says:

    what is the value of 1st 2resestanc in circuit

  • Rofiq says:

    Sir..I want to ask about the discharge time on the third program, the formula discharge time from where? And whats the meaning 1000L * 5 in coding. Thanks sir

    • Rofiq says:

      sir i want ask again about proces charge and discharge capacitor for dc input in third coding..thanks sir

  • Harry says:

    Do you have a commented code for the last one? Many thanks in advance

  • Bogiva says:

    Hey, can u explain how the number 3 code works to measure capacitance? i believe it does not use the time constant method like the first two am i correct?

    • Mmb says:

      See file:///storage/emulated/0/wvs/c-messung.html

    • Mmb says:

      I made a print for a charge/discharge cycle and put some extra lines in the setup function.
      Have a look at file:///storage/emulated/0/wvs/c-messung.html wher you will find the print and a commented sketch for download

  • Daniel says:

    A potential dumb question: can I use these circuits to measure capacitance of an air conditioner capacitor? Will it not blow my Arduino? You know, I mean the large, heavy ones rated 450VAC 50uF.(like the CBB65A-1)

  • chandra says:

    the answer comes out to be double of the capacitor in last one..pls rectify it

  • Sanhita Ray says:

    I need to simultaneously measure capacitance and resistance using two seperate interdigitated electrode complexes.. tutorial on this will be much appreciated!!

  • saiteja says:

    wt is the maximum capacitance that arduino can observe

  • sai says:

    i am using Arduino observe capacitance of f300 capacitance level. is it possible

  • arjit says:

    What code need to change to view its data on serial monitor instead lcd ???????

  • Kane thomas-mason says:

    what are the variables IN_STRAY_CAP_TO_GND and IN_CAP_TO_GND used for in the last example?

  • Mohammad mehdi says:

    please explain this line of program “t = u2 > u1 ? u2 – u1 : u1 – u2;”.
    I don’t understand it!!

  • Guilherme says:

    First of all congratulations!! Really nice job here!
    I’m wondering what IN_STRAY_CAP_TO_GND, IN_CAP_TO_GND and RPULLUP means. Where does those values come from? Are they Arduino internal resistance or something like that?


  • gobind says:

    hey sir im using “CAPACITANCE METER FOR 470 UF TO 18 PF CAPACITORS” but i did’t under stand the arduino code …wwhat is r pullup and which resistance are you using to measure the capacitor?

  • ali ashkanani says:

    Thank you for your post
    why cap_to_gnd=24.48 ?

  • Vijay says:

    Sir I will discharge the capacitor by using arduino but I not understand the code for discharging.

  • Roxanne says:

    Thank you so much this is just what I was looking for. I have a box full of caps and tough to read any of them . I am sorting them all right now.

  • wb8nbs says:

    The third method modified to use an Adafruit OLED display

    /* CircuitBasicOLED.ino
    Capacitance measurement per
    Originally from
    Modified to use an Adafruit product 938 monochrome OLED display
    // Following two libraries needed to manage the OLED

    #define SCREEN_WIDTH 128 // OLED display width, in pixels
    #define SCREEN_HEIGHT 64 // OLED display height, in pixels
    #define OLED_MOSI 2
    #define OLED_CLK 3
    #define OLED_DC 4
    #define OLED_RESET 5
    #define OLED_CS 6
    Adafruit_SSD1306 display(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT,

    const int OUT_PIN = A2;
    const int IN_PIN = A0;
    const float IN_STRAY_CAP_TO_GND = 24.48;
    const float IN_CAP_TO_GND = IN_STRAY_CAP_TO_GND;
    const float R_PULLUP = 34.8;
    const int MAX_ADC_VALUE = 1023;

    void setup()
    // SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC = generate display voltage from 3.3V internally
    if (!display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC)) {
    Serial.println(F(“SSD1306 allocation failed”));
    for (;;); // Don’t proceed, loop forever


    pinMode(OUT_PIN, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(IN_PIN, OUTPUT);

    void loop()
    // Prepare the display to show a measurement
    display.setCursor(0, 0); // Start at top-left corner
    display.setTextSize(2); // Draw 1X-scale text
    display.setCursor(0, 18); // Position to second line

    pinMode(IN_PIN, INPUT);
    digitalWrite(OUT_PIN, HIGH);
    int val = analogRead(IN_PIN);
    digitalWrite(OUT_PIN, LOW);

    if (val u1 ? u2 – u1 : u1 – u2;

    while ((digVal < 1) && (t 1000.0) // Microfarad range
    display.print(capacitance / 1000, 1);
    display.println(F(” uF”));

    else // Nanofarad range
    display.print(capacitance, 1);
    display.println(F(” nF”));
    // Show the actual time measurement
    display.setTextSize(1); // Draw 1X-scale text
    display.print(” A/D “);

    while (millis() % 1000 != 0);

  • Ramdas says:

    Excellent….I tested Version Using Only A0 and A2 pin with serial monitor and showing Good value, very useful for checking SMD capacitors value since it has no marking,.
    I tested two SMD Cap 100nf and 10uF and shown near perfect value.
    Many Many thanks.

  • Steve si says:

    The delay code line at the end seems odd.
    It could delay for 1 second or not at all depending on the millis value returned.
    I found I got more repeatable results of this is changed to a simple
    It also makes triggering an oscilloscope a lot easier too because you get a fairly regular waveform.

  • Elon says:

    Have anyone tried changing the prescaler for better accuracy (smaller time delays)?
    Personally I tried messing around with it and got a bit better results (mostly with a prescaler value of 64).

    • Elon says:

      Also, the timing loop on the third version put unnecessary restraints on the accuracy of the device. Micros() has a resolution of 4us, but an arduino is capable of measuring time at 62.5 ns. If you set up Timer2 to have a prescaler of 1 (no prescaler) and read directly from TCNT2 (the counter for Timer2) you can easily achieve a time resolution bellow 1 us. Also, the digitalRead is very slow, I changed it to digVal = bitRead(PINC,2) and went from 6us per loop to 2.3 us per loop. Now the loop itself is what causes most of the delay.

  • alex says:

    “t = u2 > u1 ? u2 – u1 : u1 – u2;”
    hi i thinl u2 is always bigger than u1, nevertheless why did you use this sentence? :) plz help me

  • Elven Decker says:

    Best article on Arduino capacitance measurement that I found. If you’re interested in really fast sampling of capacitance for real time monitoring, delete the modular timing line and replace it with something like

    if (currentMillis – previousMillis >= time_interval {do a timing loop}

    Up to 3-4x faster.

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    Quick Start Guide for Making an Arduino Capacitance Meter

    Quick Start Guide for Making an Arduino Capacitance Meter

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